Sunday, October 24, 2010


What is Ginseng?

Ginseng is a short, perennial plant of the Araliaceae botanical family. It grows naturally on the slopes of ravines and shady, well drained mountainous hardwood forests. It bears five compound leaves on a single stalk at maturity. An insignificant gray flower blooms each spring and by late summer has turned into a cluster of crimson fruit from which the ginseng seed is obtained.

The plant grows between 7 to 21 inches in height when wild. The root is creamy yellow or white resembling a parsnip with rootlets that branch off, sometimes taking the shape of a human body. The root is the part that is consumed.

Ginseng is the most widely used herb in the Orient.

The History of Ginseng:

The Chinese have been using ginseng for over 5000 years. They composed the name ginseng from two words meaning "Man Plant" from its frequent likeness to the human form. It was later given the botanical name Panax derived from the Greek for All Healing or Cure All and related to the word Panacea. It comes as a surprise to most North Americans that the variety of ginseng native to this continent, known as Panax quinquefolium L., has been used by our native peoples in a similar fashion as their Asian cousins who use panax ginseng. Ginseng and all of its products are made from 100% pure whole root.

Ginseng has been the most highly respected herb since ancient times by both Chinese and Native American herbalists. As known by these ancient healers, this herb seems to help the mind and body to be in balance.

A Quote about Ginseng from the Nutrition Almanac:

"Ginseng strengthens the heart and nervous system. It builds general mental and physical vitality and resistance to disease by strengthening and stimulating the endocrine glands that control all basic physiological processes including the metabolism of vitamins and minerals. Soviet researchers report that ginseng normalizes the level of arterial pressure and is effective in the treatment of both hypertension and hypotension."

About Ginseng:

Ginseng is one of nature's greatest gifts. It is used to increase physical and mental endurance, boost energy, normalize body functions, reduce cholesterol, and prevent cancer. Traditionally, ginseng has been used to enhance sexual desire, by promoting sex hormone production. Ginseng supports the natural balance of your body to combat fatigue and strengthens and protects your nervous system.

Now modern research has demonstrated that over 28 therapeutic elements (ginsenosides) are in this vitamin rich plant. Recent research shows that regular use of Ginseng is helpful in the treatment of memory loss (Alzheimer's), balance of blood sugar levels (Diabetes), slowing down the aging process, helping the immune system, etc.

Benefits of Ginseng

The benefits of long term usage of ginseng have been realized by the North American and European populations only since the late 1960s. As awareness of ginseng's properties steadily increase, so does its popularity. Ginseng's value is mainly as a preventative. It should be taken over a long period of time to stimulate rejuvenation and virility. Indications are the best long term benefits are achieved with a dosage of between 500 and 1500 mg (milligrams) per day. For therapeutic use, a dosage of 2000 mg per day is recommended.

Ginseng may be effective for treating colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, diabetes, anemia insomnia, stress, headache, backache and double vision. Women find it helpful in normalizing menstruation and easing childbirth. In an experiment study in Eastern Europe, ginseng was used effectively as a mouth was against Periodontal Disease which is a progressive destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. Ginseng also counteracts the effects of physical and emotional stress, enhances memory, counteracts fatigue without caffeine, and improves stamina. Medically, ginseng stimulates the immune system, by spuring the production of the body's own virus fighting chemicals, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, has anti-clotting effects, reducing risk of arterial blood clots, helps control diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels, is known as an antioxidant, preventing the cumulative cell damage researchers believe cumulates in cancer, protects the liver from the effects of drug, alcohol and toxins, minimizes cell damage from radiation, and increases intestinal absorption of nutrients.

Types of Ginseng

There are two distinct types of ginseng grown in the world, American ginseng (white or yellow in color) and Asiatic ginseng (red color). They claim that American ginseng has a cooling quality on the body versus a heating quality for Asiatic ginseng. The traditional Ying and Yang if you will.

American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.)

American ginseng seems to be the most common name. Panax quinquefolium is native to Eastern North America from Southern Ontario to Georgia and as far west as Wisconsin. Panax quinquefolium is now also grown in China. Panax quinquefolium is believed to give a cooling effect to the body.This cooling, energy giving, endurance enhancing factor is believed to be the most beneficial for our fast paced, stressful world.

Now TIRTAYU – Healing Center serves exclusively the Original Wisconsin Ginseng Tea.

For further information please contact :

Ati Setyono / Astri
“Tirtayu” – Healing Center
Jalan Senopati 20
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12110

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